Comparative genomics of citric-acid-producing Aspergillus niger ATCC 1015 versus enzyme-producing CBS 513.88
Systematic Identification of Gene Families for Use as “Markers” for Phylogenetic and Phylogeny-Driven Ecological Studies of Bacteria and Archaea and Their Major Subgroups
Meanders as a scaling motif for understanding of floodplain soil microbiome and biogeochemical potential at the watershed scale
Large‐scale cultivation of the bumblebee gut microbiota reveals an underestimated bacterial species diversity capable of pathogen inhibition
The Physcomitrella patens gene atlas project: large‐scale RNA‐seq based expression data
Impacts of land-use change on soil microbial communities and their function in the Amazon Rainforest
A phylum-level phylogenetic classification of zygomycete fungi based on genome-scale data
Local-scale panmixia in the lichenized fungus Xanthoria parietina contrasts with substantial genetic structure in its Trebouxia photobionts
Searching for fat tails in CRISPR-Cas systems: Data analysis and mathematical modeling
Extreme Scale De Novo Metagenome Assembly
A chromosome-scale genome assembly and dense genetic map for Xenopus tropicalis
Genome-scale phylogeny and comparative genomics of the fungal order Sordariales