Leptothrix ochracea genomes reveal potential for mixotrophic growth on Fe(II) and organic carbon
Genome sequencing of evolved aspergilli populations reveals robust genomes, transversions in A. flavus, and sexual aberrancy in non-homologous end-joining mutants
The Plant Cell Wall–Decomposing Machinery Underlies the Functional Diversity of Forest Fungi
Genomes of Three Methylotrophs from a Single Niche Reveal the Genetic and Metabolic Divergence of the Methylophilaceae
Insights into bilaterian evolution from three spiralian genomes
Fungi Contribute Critical but Spatially Varying Roles in Nitrogen and Carbon Cycling in Acid Mine Drainage
Conserved unique peptide patterns (CUPP) online platform 2.0: implementation of +1000 JGI fungal genomes.
The draft genome sequence of the ascomycete fungus Penicillium subrubescens reveals a highly enriched content of plant biomass related CAZymes compared to related fungi
Phylogenomic analysis of 589 metagenome-assembled genomes encompassing all major prokaryotic lineages from the gut of higher termites
Co‑cultivation of anaerobic fungi with Clostridium acetobutylicum bolsters butyrate and butanol production from cellulose and lignocellulose.
Algal genomes reveal evolutionary mosaicism and the fate of nucleomorphs
Signatures of transposon-mediated genome inflation, host specialization, and photoentrainment in Entomophthora muscae and allied entomophthoralean fungi