Analysis of Plant Pan-Genomes and Transcriptomes with GET_HOMOLOGUES-EST, a Clustering Solution for Sequences of the Same Species
Diverse and unconventional methanogens, methanotrophs, and methylotrophs in metagenome-assembled genomes from subsurface sediments of the Slate River floodplain, Crested Butte, CO, USA.
Genomes of ubiquitous marine and hypersaline Hydrogenovibrio, Thiomicrorhabdus and Thiomicrospira spp. encode a diversity of mechanisms to sustain chemolithoautotrophy in heterogeneous environments
Early-branching gut fungi possess a large, comprehensive array of biomass-degrading enzymes
IMG 4 version of the integrated microbial genomes comparative analysis system
The integrated microbial genomes system: an expanding comparative analysis resource
Assembling Single-Cell Genomes and Mini-Metagenomes From Chimeric MDA Products
Phyllosticta citricarpa and sister species of global importance to Citrus
Standardized naming of microbiome samples in Genomes OnLine Database.
Cultivation and visualization of a methanogen of the phylum Thermoproteota
Functional Insights of Salinity Stress-Related Pathways in Metagenome-Resolved Methanothrix Genomes
The Genome of Naegleria gruberi Illuminates Early Eukaryotic Versatility