Characterization of digestate microbial community structure following thermophilic anaerobic digestion with varying levels of green and food wastes
The Genomes of the Fungal Plant Pathogens Cladosporium fulvum and Dothistroma septosporum Reveal Adaptation to Different Hosts and Lifestyles But Also Signatures of Common Ancestry
Transcriptional responses of the marine green alga Micromonas pusilla and an infecting prasinovirus under different phosphate conditions
Rapid Response of Nitrogen Cycling Gene Transcription to Labile Carbon Amendments in a Soil Microbial Community
ATGC: a database of orthologous genes from closely related prokaryotic genomes and a research platform for microevolution of prokaryotes
Plant–microbiome interactions: from community assembly to plant health
Genome-resolved correlation mapping links microbial community structure to metabolic interactions driving methane production from wastewater
Impact of library preparation protocols and template quantity on the metagenomic reconstruction of a mock microbial community
Distinct temporal diversity profiles for nitrogen cycling genes in a hyporheic microbiome
Dynamic root exudate chemistry and microbial substrate preferences drive patterns in rhizosphere microbial community assembly
Conversion of Amazon rainforest to agriculture alters community traits of methane‐cycling organisms
Nitrite Oxidizer Activity and Community Are More Responsive Than Their Abundance to Ammonium-Based Fertilizer in an Agricultural Soil