Refined annotation and assembly of the Tetrahymena thermophila genome sequence through EST analysis, comparative genomic hybridization, and targeted gap closure
Plant Pan-Genomics Comes of Age
Genomics of the origin and evolution of Citrus
Novel metabolic interactions and environmental conditions mediate the boreal peatmoss-cyanobacteria mutualism
Toward a Standards-Compliant Genomic and Metagenomic Publication Record
The first two chromosome‐scale genome assemblies of American hazelnut enable comparative genomic analysis of the genus Corylus
Single-cell genomics reveals complex carbohydrate degradation patterns in poribacterial symbionts of marine sponges
Comparative genome sequence analysis underscores mycoparasitism as the ancestral life style of Trichoderma
Metagenomics-resolved genomics provides novel insights into chitin turnover, metabolic specialization, and niche partitioning in the octocoral microbiome
Eight genome sequences of bacterial, environmental isolates from Canada Glacier, Antarctica
Exploring the limit of metazoan thermal tolerance via comparative proteomics: thermally induced changes in protein abundance by two hydrothermal vent polychaetes
Genomics and Development of Lentinus tigrinus: A White-Rot Wood-Decaying Mushroom with Dimorphic Fruiting Bodies