New Biological Insights Into How Deforestation in Amazonia Affects Soil Microbial Communities Using Metagenomics and Metagenome-Assembled Genomes
Amplification and adaptation of centromeric repeats in polyploid switchgrass species
Metagenomics-resolved genomics provides novel insights into chitin turnover, metabolic specialization, and niche partitioning in the octocoral microbiome
Thermal adaptation of soil microbial growth traits in response to chronic warming
Advancements in the application of NanoSIMS and Raman microspectroscopy to investigate the activity of microbial cells in soils
Diverse ecophysiological adaptations of subsurface Thaumarchaeota in floodplain sediments revealed through genome-resolved metagenomics
Comparative genomics of Rhizophagus irregularis, R. cerebriforme, R. diaphanus and Gigaspora rosea highlights specific genetic features in Glomeromycotina
Gene Context Analysis in the Integrated Microbial Genomes (IMG) Data Management System
Stress responses in an Arctic microalga (Pelagophyceae) following sudden salinity change revealed by gene expression analysis
Targeted and shotgun metagenomic approaches provide different descriptions of dryland soil microbial communities in a manipulated field study
Defining the eco-enzymological role of the fungal strain Coniochaeta sp. 2T2.1 in a tripartite lignocellulolytic microbial consortium
Genome-guided analysis allows the identification of novel physiological traits in Trichococcus species