Environmental Genomics Reveals a Single-Species Ecosystem Deep Within Earth
Millimeter‐scale genetic gradients and community‐level molecular convergence in a hypersaline microbial mat
In situ transformation of ethoxylate and glycol surfactants by shale-colonizing microorganisms during hydraulic fracturing
Phosphate Availability Modulates Root Exudate Composition and Rhizosphere Microbial Community in a Teosinte and a Modern Maize Cultivar
Community proteogenomics reveals the systemic impact of phosphorus availability on microbial functions in tropical soil
Genomes of ubiquitous marine and hypersaline Hydrogenovibrio, Thiomicrorhabdus and Thiomicrospira spp. encode a diversity of mechanisms to sustain chemolithoautotrophy in heterogeneous environments
Community Structure and Microbial Associations in Sediment-Free Methanotrophic Enrichment Cultures from a Marine Methane Seep
Impact of Harvest on Switchgrass Leaf Microbial Communities
The distribution, diversity and function of predominant Thermoproteales in high‐temperature environments of Yellowstone National Park
Deeplasmid: deep learning accurately separates plasmids from bacterial chromosomes
Exabiome: Advancing Microbial Science through Exascale Computing
Metagenome, metatranscriptome and single-cell sequencing reveal microbial response to Deepwater Horizon oil spill