Depth-discrete metagenomics reveals the roles of microbes in biogeochemical cycling in the tropical freshwater Lake Tanganyika
Thawing permafrost, microbes, and viruses: Gary Trubl — Part 1
Predominant Acidilobus-Like Populations from Geothermal Environments in Yellowstone National Park Exhibit Similar Metabolic Potential in Different Hypoxic Microbial Communities
A Horizontal Gene Transfer Event Defines Two Distinct Groups within Burkholderia pseudomallei That Have Dissimilar Geographic Distributions▿ †
Soil Microbes Trade-Off Biogeochemical Cycling for Stress Tolerance Traits in Response to Year-Round Climate Change
Genome Sequences of Actinobacteria from Extreme Environments in Colombia
The fungus that came in from the cold: dry rot’s pre-adapted ability to invade buildings
RNA-Seq Reveals that Light and Darkness Are Different Stimuli in Freshwater Heterotrophic Actinobacteria
Variation in Adult Plant Phenotypes and Partitioning among Seed and Stem-Borne Roots across Brachypodium distachyon Accessions to Exploit in Breeding Cereals for Well-Watered and Drought Environments
A large sequenced mutant library – valuable reverse genetic resource that covers 98% of sorghum genes
Large-scale replicated field study of maize rhizosphere identifies heritable microbes
The Genome Sequence of Methanohalophilus mahii SLPT Reveals Differences in the Energy Metabolism among Members of the Methanosarcinaceae Inhabiting Freshwater and Saline Environments