Prevalent genome streamlining and latitudinal divergence of planktonic bacteria in the surface ocean
Rapid Quantification of Mutant Fitness in Diverse Bacteria by Sequencing Randomly Bar-Coded Transposons
The regulatory and transcriptional landscape associated with carbon utilization in a filamentous fungus
Soils and sediments host Thermoplasmata archaea encoding novel copper membrane monooxygenases (CuMMOs)
Identification of 2‑Hydroxyacyl-CoA Synthases with High Acyloin Condensation Activity for Orthogonal One-Carbon Bioconversion
RegPrecise web services interface: programmatic access to the transcriptional regulatory interactions in bacteria reconstructed by comparative genomics
Gill bacteria enable a novel digestive strategy in a wood-feeding mollusk
Brockarchaeota, a novel archaeal phylum with unique and versatile carbon cycling pathways
Phosphate Availability Modulates Root Exudate Composition and Rhizosphere Microbial Community in a Teosinte and a Modern Maize Cultivar
Comparative Genomic Insights into Ecophysiology of Neutrophilic, Microaerophilic Iron Oxidizing Bacteria
Adapted laboratory evolution of Thermotoga sp. strain RQ7 under carbon starvation
Taxonomic and functional restoration of tallgrass prairie soil microbial communities in comparison to remnant and agricultural soils