Persistence and plasticity in bacterial gene regulation
Bacterial genome editing by coupling Cre-lox and CRISPR-Cas9 systems
The Structure of CcmP, a Tandem Bacterial Microcompartment Domain Protein from the β-Carboxysome, Forms a Subcompartment Within a Microcompartment
Isolation, Characterization, and Pathogenicity of Two Pseudomonas syringae Pathovars from Populus trichocarpa Seeds
Genome‐wide mapping of cytosine methylation revealed dynamic DNA methylation patterns associated with genes and centromeres in rice
In-depth Spatiotemporal Characterization of Planktonic Archaeal and Bacterial Communities in North and South San Francisco Bay
scMicrobe PTA: near complete genomes from single bacterial cells
The IMG/M data management and analysis system v.7: content updates and new features.
Rokubacteria: Genomic Giants among the Uncultured Bacterial Phyla
Diversity and Distribution of a Novel Genus of Hyperthermophilic Aquificae Viruses Encoding a Proof-Reading Family-A DNA Polymerase
MycoCosm, the JGI’s Fungal Genome Portal for Comparative Genomic and Multiomics Data Analyses
Diverse uncultivated ultra-small bacterial cells in groundwater