Whole Genome Analyses Suggests that Burkholderia sensu lato Contains Two Additional Novel Genera (Mycetohabitans gen. nov., and Trinickia gen. nov.): Implications for the Evolution of Diazotrophy and Nodulation in the Burkholderiaceae
Fine Mapping of the Bsr1 Barley Stripe Mosaic Virus Resistance Gene in the Model Grass Brachypodium distachyon
Contrasting Life Strategies of Viruses that Infect Photo- and Heterotrophic Bacteria, as Revealed by Viral Tagging
CRISPR — a widespread system that provides acquired resistance against phages in bacteria and archaea
Virus ecology and 7‐year temporal dynamics across a permafrost thaw gradient
Description of Candidatus Mesopelagibacter carboxydoxydans and Candidatus Anoxipelagibacter denitrificans: Nitrate-reducing SAR11 genera that dominate mesopelagic and anoxic marine zones
Giant virus diversity and host interactions through global metagenomics
Virus-Host Interactions and Genetic Diversity of Antarctic Sea Ice Bacteriophages
Genome-wide fitness profiling reveals molecular mechanisms that bacteria use to interact with Trichoderma atroviride exometabolites
Soil pH influences the structure of virus communities at local and global scales
Coupled laboratory and field investigations resolve microbial interactions that underpin persistence in hydraulically fractured shales
Guidelines for public database submission of uncultivated virus genome sequences for taxonomic classification