The Joint Genome Institute's synthetic biology internal review process
Comparative genomics of freshwater Fe-oxidizing bacteria: implications for physiology, ecology, and systematics
Deep‐sea bacteria enriched by oil and dispersant from the Deepwater Horizon spill
Clades of huge phages from across Earth’s ecosystems
Taxonomic distribution of metabolic functions in bacteria associated with Trichodesmium consortia.
JGI Plant Gene Atlas: an updateable transcriptome resource to improve functional gene descriptions across the plant kingdom
The amphioxus genome illuminates vertebrate origins and cephalochordate biology
Molecular Dialogues between Early Divergent Fungi and Bacteria in an Antagonism versus a Mutualism
Ecology and evolution of viruses infecting uncultivated SUP05 bacteria as revealed by single-cell- and meta-genomics
Group II Introns Break New Boundaries: Presence in a Bilaterian's Genome
CRISPR — a widespread system that provides acquired resistance against phages in bacteria and archaea
Genomes of 13 domesticated and wild rice relatives highlight genetic conservation, turnover and innovation across the genus Oryza