Sequencing Submission Requirements for DNA Synthesis
An Insect Herbivore Microbiome with High Plant Biomass-Degrading Capacity
Sequencing of Multiple Clostridial Genomes Related to Biomass Conversion and Biofuel Production ▿
Probing specificities of alcohol acyltransferases for designer ester biosynthesis with a high‐throughput microbial screening platform
Two major chromosome evolution events with unrivaled conserved gene content in pomegranate
Genome sequencing of Porostereum spadiceum to study the degradation of levofloxacin
Young inversion with multiple linked QTLs under selection in a hybrid zone
Non-photosynthetic lineages sibling to Cyanobacteria associate with eukaryotes in the open ocean
DNA methylation and gene expression regulation associated with vascularization in Sorghum bicolor
Sequencing and Analysis of the Sex Determination Region of Populus trichocarpa
Analysis of Plant Pan-Genomes and Transcriptomes with GET_HOMOLOGUES-EST, a Clustering Solution for Sequences of the Same Species
Sequencing the fungal tree of life