A toolkit for microbial community editing
A complete toolset for the study of Ustilago bromivora and Brachypodium sp. as a fungal-temperate grass pathosystem
A pipeline for targeted metagenomics of environmental bacteria
Genome analysis of ‘Candidatus Ancillula trichonymphae’, first representative of a deep‐branching clade of Bifidobacteriales, strengthens evidence for convergent evolution in flagellate endosymbionts
Genomic basis for the unique phenotype of the alkaliphilic purple nonsulfur bacterium Rhodobaca bogoriensis
Targeted in situ metatranscriptomics for selected taxa from mesophilic and thermophilic biogas plants
Pleiotropic and Epistatic Network-Based Discovery: Integrated Networks for Target Gene Discovery
The genomic standards consortium: bringing standards to life for microbial ecology
Exabiome: Advancing Microbial Science through Exascale Computing
Strategic Integration of Multiple Bioinformatics Resources for System Level Analysis of Biological Networks
NAP: The Network Analysis Profiler, a web tool for easier topological analysis and comparison of medium-scale biological networks
A SNP resource for Douglas-fir: de novotranscriptome assembly and SNP detection and validation