Functional and genomic diversity of methylotrophic Rhodocyclaceae: description of Methyloversatilis discipulorum sp. nov.
Population genomics and climate adaptation of a C4 perennial grass, Panicum hallii (Poaceae)
Viral niche-partitioning: Comparative genomics of giant viruses across environmental gradients in a High Arctic freshwater-saltwater lake
Driving through stop signs: predicting stop codon reassignment improves functional annotation of bacteriophages
Evolutionary genomics of the cold-adapted diatom Fragilariopsis cylindrus
PhycoCosm, a comparative algal genomics resource
Functional Signatures of the Epiphytic Prokaryotic Microbiome of Agaves and Cacti
Expanding genomics of mycorrhizal symbiosis
Genomic islands link secondary metabolism to functional adaptation in marine Actinobacteria
Quantitative genetic-by-soil microbiome interactions in a perennial grass affect functional traits
Single-cell genomics-based analysis of virus–host interactions in marine surface bacterioplankton
Single-cell genomics reveal low recombination frequencies in freshwater bacteria of the SAR11 clade