Control of Bacterial Sulfite Detoxification by Conserved and Species-Specific Regulatory Circuits
Genome-sequenced bacterial collection from sorghum epicuticular wax
Metagenome Sequencing to Explore Phylogenomics of Terrestrial Cyanobacteria
Genomic features of bacterial adaptation to plants
A catalog of the diversity and ubiquity of bacterial microcompartments
Chemical synthesis rewriting of a bacterial genome to achieve design flexibility and biological functionality
Preferential retention of genes from one parental genome after polyploidy illustrates the nature and scope of the genomic conflicts induced by hybridization
Multiple sources of aerobic methane production in aquatic ecosystems include bacterial photosynthesis
Genomic and functional analyses of fungal and bacterial consortia that enable lignocellulose breakdown in goat gut microbiomes
In depth metagenomic analysis in contrasting oil wells reveals syntrophic bacterial and archaeal associations for oil biodegradation in petroleum reservoirs
Multiple origins, one evolutionary trajectory: gradual evolution characterizes distinct lineages of allotetraploid Brachypodium.
Characterization of a Planctomycetal Organelle: a Novel Bacterial Microcompartment for the Aerobic Degradation of Plant Saccharides