Arabidopsis Root Microbiome Microfluidic (ARMM) Device for Imaging Bacterial Colonization and Morphogenesis of Arabidopsis Roots
Complete Genome Sequence for Asinibacterium sp. Strain OR53 and Draft Genome Sequence for Asinibacterium sp. Strain OR43, Two Bacteria Tolerant to Uranium
Systematic Identification of Gene Families for Use as “Markers” for Phylogenetic and Phylogeny-Driven Ecological Studies of Bacteria and Archaea and Their Major Subgroups
JBrowse: a dynamic web platform for genome visualization and analysis
Phage–bacteria relationships and CRISPR elements revealed by a metagenomic survey of the rumen microbiome
Data shopping in an open marketplace: Introducing the Ontogrator web application for marking up data using ontologies and browsing using facets
NAP: The Network Analysis Profiler, a web tool for easier topological analysis and comparison of medium-scale biological networks
A data analysis and coordination center for the human microbiome project
A mosaic monoploid reference sequence for the highly complex genome of sugarcane
Development of a Recombineering System for the Acetogen Eubacterium limosum with Cas9 Counterselection for Markerless Genome Engineering
Guidelines for public database submission of uncultivated virus genome sequences for taxonomic classification
A zinc-finger-family transcription factor, AbVf19, is required for the induction of a gene subset important for virulence in Alternaria brassicicola.