Massive lateral transfer of genes encoding plant cell wall-degrading enzymes to the mycoparasitic fungus Trichoderma from its plant-associated hosts
Desert truffle genomes reveal their reproductive modes and new insights into plant–fungal interaction and ectendomycorrhizal lifestyle
Defining the eco-enzymological role of the fungal strain Coniochaeta sp. 2T2.1 in a tripartite lignocellulolytic microbial consortium
Conserved unique peptide patterns (CUPP) online platform 2.0: implementation of +1000 JGI fungal genomes.
The standard operating procedure of the DOE-JGI Metagenome Annotation Pipeline (MAP v.4)
A multi-omic survey of black cottonwood tissues highlights coordinated transcriptomic and metabolomic mechanisms for plant adaptation to phosphorus deficiency
Successional adaptive strategies revealed by correlating arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal abundance with host plant gene expression
The Genomes of the Fungal Plant Pathogens Cladosporium fulvum and Dothistroma septosporum Reveal Adaptation to Different Hosts and Lifestyles But Also Signatures of Common Ancestry
DOE JGI Metagenome Workflow
Fungal and plant gene expression in the Tulasnella calospora–Serapias vomeracea symbiosis provides clues about nitrogen pathways in orchid mycorrhizas
Fungal diversity notes 253–366: taxonomic and phylogenetic contributions to fungal taxa
AraR plays a more dominant role than XlnR in plant biomass conversion in Penicillium subrubescens