JGIota: A Biofuel Breakthrough in Anaerobic Fungi with Michelle O'Malley and Tom Lankiewicz
PhycoCosm Tutorial
Frederik Schulz
DNA Synthesis Program
VEGA Symposium
Comparative genomics of Rhizophagus irregularis, R. cerebriforme, R. diaphanus and Gigaspora rosea highlights specific genetic features in Glomeromycotina
A Molecular Study of Microbe Transfer between Distant Environments
User Science
Conserved unique peptide patterns (CUPP) online platform 2.0: implementation of +1000 JGI fungal genomes.
Microbiome Data Science: Understanding Our Microbial Planet
The Roseibium album (Labrenzia alba) Genome Possesses Multiple Symbiosis Factors Possibly Underpinning Host-Microbe Relationships in the Marine Benthos