Targeted hypermutation of putative antigen sensors in multicellular bacteria
A pipeline for targeted metagenomics of environmental bacteria
Identification and Structural Analysis of a Novel Carboxysome Shell Protein with Implications for Metabolite Transport
Diversity and evolution of secondary metabolism in the marine actinomycete genus Salinispora
Prevalent genome streamlining and latitudinal divergence of planktonic bacteria in the surface ocean
Rapid Quantification of Mutant Fitness in Diverse Bacteria by Sequencing Randomly Bar-Coded Transposons
Gill bacteria enable a novel digestive strategy in a wood-feeding mollusk
Investigation of recombination-intense viral groups and their genes in the Earth’s virome
The evolution of sperm and non‐sperm producing organs in male Drosophila
Niche differentiation of bacteria and fungi in carbon and nitrogen cycling of different habitats in a temperate coniferous forest: A metaproteomic approach
Genome Analysis of a Verrucomicrobial Endosymbiont With a Tiny Genome Discovered in an Antarctic Lake
RegPrecise web services interface: programmatic access to the transcriptional regulatory interactions in bacteria reconstructed by comparative genomics