Polysaccharide utilization loci of North Sea Flavobacteriia as basis for using SusC/D-protein expression for predicting major phytoplankton glycans
Genomic Methods and Microbiological Technologies for Profiling Novel and Extreme Environments for the Extreme Microbiome Project (XMP).
gRNA-SeqRET: a universal tool for targeted and genome-scale gRNA design and sequence extraction for prokaryotes and eukaryotes
VISTA Region Viewer (RViewer)—a computational system for prioritizing genomic intervals for biomedical studies
Sequencing Submission Requirements for DNA Synthesis
JGIota: A Surprise for Chloroflexota — The First Flagella!
Experimenting with EcoFABs for Student Labs - Jill Bouchard & Ying Wang
Creating an Energy Market for Miscanthus
Exploring Phages at JGI
Exploring and Thinking Critically about Scientific Problems with JGI Interns
JGI Portals
Better Living Through Bioenergy