Root morphology and exudate availability are shaped by particle size and chemistry in Brachypodium distachyon
Genome sequencing of the Trichoderma reesei QM9136 mutant identifies a truncation of the transcriptional regulator XYR1 as the cause for its cellulase-negative phenotype
Patterns of pan‐genome occupancy and gene coexpression under water‐deficit in Brachypodium distachyon
Differences in sequencing technologies improve the retrieval of anammox bacterial genome from metagenomes
Forming Scientific Connections and Building Community
Getting to the Bottom of Fungal Functions Across Earth’s Forests
The Expanding Universe of Methane Metabolisms in Archaea
Nandita Nath
Katherine Louie
Exploring Polymorphisms Created by Transposable Elements
Overview of the Genomes OnLine Database (GOLD)
River microbiomes from around the world: Kelly Wrighton