Ecological divergence of syntopic marine bacterial species is shaped by gene content and expression
Thermus sediminis sp. nov., a thiosulfate-oxidizing and arsenate-reducing organism isolated from Little Hot Creek in the Long Valley Caldera, California
Genome Sequence of Marinobacter sp. Strain MCTG268 Isolated from the Cosmopolitan Marine Diatom Skeletonema costatum
Genomic and Metabolic Diversity of Marine Group I Thaumarchaeota in the Mesopelagic of Two Subtropical Gyres
Genomic islands link secondary metabolism to functional adaptation in marine Actinobacteria
Genome Analysis of the Anaerobic Thermohalophilic Bacterium Halothermothrix orenii
Sodalis ligni Strain 159R Isolated from an Anaerobic Lignin-Degrading Consortium
Bradyrhizobium sacchari sp. nov., a legume nodulating bacterium isolated from sugarcane roots
Metapangenomics reveals depth-dependent shifts in metabolic potential for the ubiquitous marine bacterial SAR324 lineage
Genome sequence of the pink–pigmented marine bacterium Loktanella hongkongensis type strain (UST950701–009PT), a representative of the Roseobacter group
Nitrosopumilus maritimus genome reveals unique mechanisms for nitrification and autotrophy in globally distributed marine crenarchaea
Complete Genome Sequence of Methanoregula formicica SMSPT, a Mesophilic Hydrogenotrophic Methanogen Isolated from a Methanogenic Upflow Anaerobic Sludge Blanket Reactor