New Biological Insights Into How Deforestation in Amazonia Affects Soil Microbial Communities Using Metagenomics and Metagenome-Assembled Genomes
A generalist–specialist trade-off between switchgrass cytotypes impacts climate adaptation and geographic range
Anaerobic Decomposition of Switchgrass by Tropical Soil-Derived Feedstock-Adapted Consortia
Genome evolution in the allotetraploid frog Xenopus laevis
Genetic mapping and prediction of flowering time and plant height in a maize Stiff Stalk MAGIC population
Diversity in the soil virosphere: to infinity and beyond?
Metatranscriptomics sheds light on the links between the functional traits of fungal guilds and ecological processes in forest soil ecosystems
Insights into bilaterian evolution from three spiralian genomes
Toward a Standards-Compliant Genomic and Metagenomic Publication Record
The GC-Rich Mitochondrial and Plastid Genomes of the Green Alga Coccomyxa Give Insight into the Evolution of Organelle DNA Nucleotide Landscape
Complete genome sequence of Granulicella tundricola type strain MP5ACTX9T, an Acidobacteria from tundra soil
Metagenomic reconstruction of nitrogen and carbon cycling pathways in forest soil: Influence of different hardwood tree species