Erratum to: Complete genome sequence of Pirellula staleyi type strain (ATCC 27377T)
Complete genome sequence of Ferrimonas balearica type strain (PATT)
Complete genome sequence of Brachyspira murdochii type strain (56-150T)
Complete genome sequence of Kangiella koreensis type strain (SW-125T)
Near-Complete Genome Sequence of Zygosaccharomyces rouxii NRRL Y-64007, a Yeast Capable of Growing on Lignocellulosic Hydrolysates
Complete genome sequence of Thauera aminoaromatica strain MZ1T
The complete plastid genome sequence of Welwitschia mirabilis: an unusually compact plastome with accelerated divergence rates
Complete genome sequence of Hydrogenobacter thermophilus type strain (TK-6T)
Complete Genome Sequence of Sulfolobus solfataricus Strain 98/2 and Evolved Derivatives
Complete genome sequence of Thermomonospora curvata type strain (B9T)
Complete genome sequence of Haliangium ochraceum type strain (SMP-2T)
Complete genome sequence of Planctomyces brasiliensis type strain (DSM 5305T), phylogenomic analysis and reclassification of Planctomycetes including the descriptions of Gimesia gen. nov., Planctopirus gen. nov. and Rubinisphaera gen. nov. and emended