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Microbes in thawing permafrost: the unknown variable in the climate change equation
Soil metabolome response to whole-ecosystem warming at the Spruce and Peatland Responses under Changing Environments experiment
A Genomic Perspective Across Earth’s Microbiomes Reveals That Genome Size in Archaea and Bacteria Is Linked to Ecosystem Type and Trophic Strategy
Cultivation of novel Atribacterota from oil well provides new insight into their diversity, ecology, and evolution in anoxic, carbon-rich environments
CRISPR — a widespread system that provides acquired resistance against phages in bacteria and archaea
Rare earth element alcohol dehydrogenases widely occur among globally distributed, numerically abundant and environmentally important microbes
Coupled laboratory and field investigations resolve microbial interactions that underpin persistence in hydraulically fractured shales
Deep-branching acetogens in serpentinized subsurface fluids of Oman