Genomic and genetic analyses of diversity and plant interactions of Pseudomonas fluorescens
scMicrobe PTA: near complete genomes from single bacterial cells
IMG/VR v3: an integrated ecological and evolutionary framework for interrogating genomes of uncultivated viruses
Getting to the Root of Plant‐Mediated Methane Emissions and Oxidation in a Thermokarst Bog
An orphan gene BOOSTER enhances photosynthetic efficiency and plant productivity
Recruiting Human Microbiome Shotgun Data to Site-Specific Reference Genomes
Comparative genomics and expression levels of hydrophobins from eight mycorrhizal genomes
Reference genome sequence of the model plant Setaria
Comparative Genomics Using the Integrated Microbial Genomes and Microbiomes (IMG/M) System: A Deinococcus Use Case
Medicago root nodule microbiomes: insights into a complex ecosystem with potential candidates for plant growth promotion
Recovery of genomes from metagenomes via a dereplication, aggregation and scoring strategy
Vertical and horizontal gene transfer shaped plant colonization and biomass degradation in the fungal genus Armillaria