Two related families of metal transferases, ZNG1 and ZNG2, are involved in acclimation to poor Zn nutrition in Arabidopsis
Laccase and Its Role in Production of Extracellular Reactive Oxygen Species during Wood Decay by the Brown Rot Basidiomycete Postia placenta▿ †
Multi 'omics comparison reveals metabolome biochemistry, not microbiome composition or gene expression, corresponds to elevated biogeochemical function in the hyporheic zone
IMG-ABC v.5.0: an update to the IMG/Atlas of Biosynthetic Gene Clusters Knowledgebase
MicroSyn: A user friendly tool for detection of microsynteny in a gene family
Quantitative iTRAQ-based secretome analysis reveals species-specific and temporal shifts in carbon utilization strategies among manganese(II)-oxidizing Ascomycete fungi
Pleiotropic and Epistatic Network-Based Discovery: Integrated Networks for Target Gene Discovery
Combinatorial Regulation of Endothelial Gene Expression by Ets and Forkhead Transcription Factors
High-quality RNA extraction and the regulation of genes encoding cellulosomes are correlated with growth stage in anaerobic fungi
Water mass age structures the auxiliary metabolic gene content of free-living and particle-attached deep ocean viral communities
Bioenergy sorghum nodal root bud development: morphometric, transcriptomic and gene regulatory network analysis
Metabolic Modeling of Fungi