Deletion of either the regulatory gene ara1 or metabolic gene xki1 in Trichoderma reesei leads to increased CAZyme gene expression on crude plant biomass
The evolution of sperm and non‐sperm producing organs in male Drosophila
Genomes of multicellular algal sisters to land plants illuminate signaling network evolution
Major impacts of widespread structural variation on sorghum.
The GreenCut2 Resource, a Phylogenomically Derived Inventory of Proteins Specific to the Plant Lineage*
Genome evolution in the allotetraploid frog Xenopus laevis
The Plant Cell Wall–Decomposing Machinery Underlies the Functional Diversity of Forest Fungi
Phylogenomics reveals convergent evolution of red-violet coloration in land plants and the origins of the anthocyanin biosynthetic pathway
Complete Genome Sequence of Micromonospora Strain L5, a Potential Plant-Growth-Regulating Actinomycete, Originally Isolated from Casuarina equisetifolia Root Nodules
Whole genome comparisons of Fragaria, Prunus and Malus reveal different modes of evolution between Rosaceous subfamilies
Extreme overall mushroom genome expansion in Mycena s.s. irrespective of plant hosts or substrate specializations.
The Genomes of the Fungal Plant Pathogens Cladosporium fulvum and Dothistroma septosporum Reveal Adaptation to Different Hosts and Lifestyles But Also Signatures of Common Ancestry