The environment drives microbial trait variability in aquatic habitats
Complementary Metagenomic Approaches Improve Reconstruction of Microbial Diversity in a Forest Soil
Geomicrobiology of sublacustrine thermal vents in Yellowstone Lake: geochemical controls on microbial community structure and function
Exploring microbial functional biodiversity at the protein family level—From metagenomic sequence reads to annotated protein clusters
The Fast Changing Landscape of Sequencing Technologies and Their Impact on Microbial Genome Assemblies and Annotation
Constraining the oxygen requirements for modern microbial eukaryote diversity
Metagenomes from two microbial consortia associated with Santa Barbara seep oil
Metagenomic analysis of a stable trichloroethene-degrading microbial community
A metagenomic insight into freshwater methane-utilizing communities and evidence for cooperation between the Methylococcaceae and the Methylophilaceae
Dissecting the dominant hot spring microbial populations based on community-wide sampling at single-cell genomic resolution
Bioenergy feedstock‐specific enrichment of microbial populations during high‐solids thermophilic deconstruction
Comparison of soil biosolarization with mesophilic and thermophilic solid digestates on soil microbial quantity and diversity