Diversity and Distribution of a Novel Genus of Hyperthermophilic Aquificae Viruses Encoding a Proof-Reading Family-A DNA Polymerase
Information theory and machine learning illuminate large‐scale metabolomic responses of Brachypodium distachyon to environmental change
Genome-informed Bradyrhizobium taxonomy: where to from here?
A global atlas of soil viruses reveals unexplored biodiversity and potential biogeochemical impacts
Tackling soil diversity with the assembly of large, complex metagenomes
Conservative taxonomy and quality assessment of giant virus genomes with GVClass
Four chromosome scale genomes and a pan-genome annotation to accelerate pecan tree breeding
Metatranscriptomic reconstruction reveals RNA viruses with the potential to shape carbon cycling in soil
Contrasting Life Strategies of Viruses that Infect Photo- and Heterotrophic Bacteria, as Revealed by Viral Tagging
HipMCL: a high-performance parallel implementation of the Markov clustering algorithm for large-scale networks
Association mapping, transcriptomics, and transient expression identify candidate genes mediating plant–pathogen interactions in a tree
Prokaryotic viruses impact functional microorganisms in nutrient removal and carbon cycle in wastewater treatment plants