At the nexus of three kingdoms: the genome of the mycorrhizal fungus Gigaspora margarita provides insights into plant, endobacterial and fungal interactions
Plant Metabolic Network 15: A resource of genome‐wide metabolism databases for 126 plants and algae
The Sorghum bicolor reference genome: improved assembly, gene annotations, a transcriptome atlas, and signatures of genome organization
Implications of the Plastid Genome Sequence of Typha (Typhaceae, Poales) for Understanding Genome Evolution in Poaceae
Earth BioGenome Project: Sequencing life for the future of life
The Reference Genome of the Halophytic Plant Eutrema salsugineum
Multisubstrate specificity shaped the complex evolution of the aminotransferase family across the tree of life.
Genome Sequence of Thermofilum pendens Reveals an Exceptional Loss of Biosynthetic Pathways without Genome Reduction▿ †
Minimum information about a single amplified genome (MISAG) and a metagenome-assembled genome (MIMAG) of bacteria and archaea
Fishing for Novel Cellulose Degraders
JGI Accepts 17 Proposals for Community Science Program
Plant-Microbial Interactions Group