Development of PCR-based markers for the identification and detection of Lophodermella needle cast pathogens on Pinus contorta var. latifolia and P. flexilis
MycoCosm portal: gearing up for 1000 fungal genomes
High Density Genetic Maps of Seashore Paspalum Using Genotyping-By-Sequencing and Their Relationship to The Sorghum Bicolor Genome
Complete genome sequence of Saccharomonospora viridis type strain (P101T)
Finished Genome of the Fungal Wheat Pathogen Mycosphaerella graminicola Reveals Dispensome Structure, Chromosome Plasticity, and Stealth Pathogenesis
High-quality draft genome sequence of Flavobacterium suncheonense GH29-5T (DSM 17707T) isolated from greenhouse soil in South Korea, and emended description of Flavobacterium suncheonense GH29-5T
Complete Genome Sequence of the Marine Cellulose- and Xylan-Degrading Bacterium Glaciecolasp. Strain 4H-3-7+YE-5
Systematic Screening of Synthetic Gene-Encoded Enzymes for Synthesis of Modified Glycosides
Complete genome sequence of the sulfur compounds oxidizing chemolithoautotroph Sulfuricurvum kujiense type strain (YK-1T)
Spray‐induced gene silencing to identify powdery mildew gene targets and processes for powdery mildew control
Genomic evidence for the degradation of terrestrial organic matter by pelagic Arctic Ocean Chloroflexi bacteria
The Complete Plastid Genome Sequence of the Secondarily Nonphotosynthetic Alga Cryptomonas paramecium: Reduction, Compaction, and Accelerated Evolutionary Rate