Draft Nuclear Genome Sequence of the Liquid Hydrocarbon–Accumulating Green Microalga Botryococcus braunii Race B (Showa)
Divergence among rice cultivars reveals roles for transposition and epimutation in ongoing evolution of genomic imprinting
Characterization of a large sex determination region in Salix purpurea L. (Salicaceae)
Multi‐omic analyses of exogenous nutrient bag decomposition by the black morel Morchella importuna reveal sustained carbon acquisition and transferring
Genomic Signatures of a Major Adaptive Event in the Pathogenic Fungus Melampsora larici-populina
Antarctic lake viromes reveal potential virus associated influences on nutrient cycling in ice-covered lakes
A genomic analysis of the archaeal system Ignicoccus hospitalis-Nanoarchaeum equitans
A genome resource for green millet Setaria viridis enables discovery of agronomically valuable loci
Major impacts of widespread structural variation on sorghum.
Chapter One Structural, Mechanistic and Genomic Insights into OCP-Mediated Photoprotection
Frameshift detection in prokaryotic genomic sequences.
The first two chromosome‐scale genome assemblies of American hazelnut enable comparative genomic analysis of the genus Corylus