Draft genome of five Cupriavidus plantarum strains: agave, maize and sorghum plant-associated bacteria with resistance to metals
Genome Sequence of the Methanotrophic Alphaproteobacterium Methylocystis sp. Strain Rockwell (ATCC 49242)
Complete genome sequence of Haloterrigena turkmenica type strain (4kT)
Complete Genome Sequence of Thermoanaerobacterium sp. Strain RBIITD, a Butyrate- and Butanol-Producing Thermophile
Complete genome sequence of the sulfate-reducing firmicute Desulfotomaculum ruminis type strain (DLT)
Draft Genome Sequence of the Basidiomycete White-Rot Fungus Phlebia centrifuga
Isolation and sequencing of a single copy of an introgressed chromosome from a complex genome for gene and SNP identification
Genome-Wide Analysis of Corynespora cassiicola Leaf Fall Disease Putative Effectors
Complete genome sequence of Desulfomicrobium baculatum type strain (XT)
The Aquilegia genome provides insight into adaptive radiation and reveals an extraordinarily polymorphic chromosome with a unique history
Signatures of transposon-mediated genome inflation, host specialization, and photoentrainment in Entomophthora muscae and allied entomophthoralean fungi
Complete Genome Sequence of the Aerobic Marine Methanotroph Methylomonas methanica MC09