Integrative genomic mining for enzyme function to enable engineering of a non-natural biosynthetic pathway
Soybean (Glycine max) Haplotype Map (GmHapMap): a universal resource for soybean translational and functional genomics
Genomic Comparison of Two Family-Level Groups of the Uncultivated NAG1 Archaeal Lineage from Chemically and Geographically Disparate Hot Springs
Divergent selection and climate adaptation fuel genomic differentiation between sister species of Sphagnum (peat moss).
Functional genomics gives new insights into the ectomycorrhizal degradation of chitin
Morphological and Genomic Features of the New Klosneuvirinae Isolate Fadolivirus IHUMI-VV54
Genomic views of distant-acting enhancers
Taxonomic and Functional Diversity of a Quercus pyrenaica Willd. Rhizospheric Microbiome in the Mediterranean Mountains
Horizontal gene transfer in Histophilus somni and its role in the evolution of pathogenic strain 2336, as determined by comparative genomic analyses
Combining GWAS and population genomic analyses to characterize coevolution in a legume‐rhizobia symbiosis
Functional Annotation of Fibrobacter succinogenes S85 Carbohydrate Active Enzymes
Genomic composition and dynamics among Methanomicrobiales predict adaptation to contrasting environments