Genome sequencing of the Trichoderma reesei QM9136 mutant identifies a truncation of the transcriptional regulator XYR1 as the cause for its cellulase-negative phenotype
High-throughput SNP discovery through deep resequencing of a reduced representation library to anchor and orient scaffolds in the soybean whole genome sequence
Differences in sequencing technologies improve the retrieval of anammox bacterial genome from metagenomes
Massively parallel sequencing identifies the gene Megf8 with ENU-induced mutation causing heterotaxy
Whole Genome Sequencing of Thermus oshimai JL-2 and Thermus thermophilus JL-18, Incomplete Denitrifiers from the United States Great Basin
Differential depth distribution of microbial function and putative symbionts through sediment-hosted aquifers in the deep terrestrial subsurface
High Density Genetic Maps of Seashore Paspalum Using Genotyping-By-Sequencing and Their Relationship to The Sorghum Bicolor Genome
Draft genome sequencing and assembly of Favolaschia claudopus CIRM-BRFM 2984 isolated from oak limbs
Deep ocean metagenomes provide insight into the metabolic architecture of bathypelagic microbial communities
Next generation sequencing and bioinformatic bottlenecks: the current state of metagenomic data analysis
Phased diploid genome assembly with single-molecule real-time sequencing
Anchoring and ordering NGS contig assemblies by population sequencing (POPSEQ)