Viral and metabolic controls on high rates of microbial sulfur and carbon cycling in wetland ecosystems
Frigoriflavimonas asaccharolytica gen. nov., sp. nov., a novel psychrophilic esterase and protease producing bacterium isolated from Antarctica
The Source and Evolutionary History of a Microbial Contaminant Identified Through Soil Metagenomic Analysis
Spatial Homogeneity of Bacterial Communities Associated with the Surface Mucus Layer of the Reef-Building Coral Acropora palmata
Web of microbes (WoM): a curated microbial exometabolomics database for linking chemistry and microbes
Root-associated bacterial communities and root metabolite composition are linked to nitrogen use efficiency in sorghum
Direct Comparisons of Illumina vs. Roche 454 Sequencing Technologies on the Same Microbial Community DNA Sample
Microbial functional diversity across biogeochemical provinces in the central Pacific Ocean
Long-term excess nitrogen fertilizer increases sensitivity of soil microbial community to seasonal change revealed by ecological network and metagenome analyses
Covariation of hot spring geochemistry with microbial genomic diversity, function, and evolution
Soil pH influences the structure of virus communities at local and global scales
IMG: the integrated microbial genomes database and comparative analysis system