Mixotrophic Iron-Oxidizing Thiomonas Isolates from an Acid Mine Drainage-Affected Creek.
Permanent draft genome sequence of Comamonas testosteroni KF-1
Novel assembly strategy cracks open the mysteries of walnut genome evolution
A structural and kinetic survey of GH5_4 endoglucanases reveals determinants of broad substrate specificity and opportunities for biomass hydrolysis
Metagenome-Assembled Genomes from a Microbiome Converting Xylose to Medium-Chain Carboxylic Acids
Draft Genome Sequence of a Rare Smut Relative, Tilletiaria anomala UBC 951
scMicrobe PTA: near complete genomes from single bacterial cells
GenePRIMP: a gene prediction improvement pipeline for prokaryotic genomes
Multiomics in the central Arctic Ocean for benchmarking biodiversity change
Complete genome sequence of Gordonia bronchialis type strain (3410T)
Genomics discovery of giant fungal viruses from subsurface oceanic crustal fluids
A Droplet Microfluidic Platform for Automating Genetic Engineering