Metagenomes and Metagenome-Assembled Genomes from Microbiomes Metabolizing Thin Stillage from an Ethanol Biorefinery
High-Quality Draft Genomes from Thermus caliditerrae YIM 77777 and T. tengchongensis YIM 77401, Isolates from Tengchong, China
The Phaeodactylum genome reveals the evolutionary history of diatom genomes
Diverse and unconventional methanogens, methanotrophs, and methylotrophs in metagenome-assembled genomes from subsurface sediments of the Slate River floodplain, Crested Butte, CO, USA.
The DOE-JGI Standard Operating Procedure for the Annotations of Microbial Genomes
Deep‐sea hydrothermal vent metagenome‐assembled genomes provide insight into the phylum Nanoarchaeota
Analysis of twelve genomes of the bacterium Kerstersia gyiorum from brown-throated sloths (Bradypus variegatus), the first from a non-human host.
Metagenome-assembled genomes of phytoplankton microbiomes from the Arctic and Atlantic Oceans
Comparison of 26 Sphingomonad Genomes Reveals Diverse Environmental Adaptations and Biodegradative Capabilities
Genomes of 13 domesticated and wild rice relatives highlight genetic conservation, turnover and innovation across the genus Oryza
Twenty-five years of Genomes OnLine Database (GOLD): data updates and new features in v.9.
Metagenomes and Metagenome-Assembled Genomes from Substrate-Amended Hot Spring Sediment Incubations from Yellowstone National Park