Functional Diversity of Diterpene Synthases in the Biofuel Crop Switchgrass
A predicted CRISPR-mediated symbiosis between uncultivated archaea
Metatranscriptomic reconstruction reveals RNA viruses with the potential to shape carbon cycling in soil
Wildfire-dependent changes in soil microbiome diversity and function
Nitrogen and phosphorous acquisition strategies drive coexistence patterns among archaeal lineages in soil
A global atlas of soil viruses reveals unexplored biodiversity and potential biogeochemical impacts
Sulfide Generation by Dominant Halanaerobium Microorganisms in Hydraulically Fractured Shales
A Genomic Encyclopedia of the Root Nodule Bacteria: assessing genetic diversity through a systematic biogeographic survey
Metagenomics uncovers gaps in amplicon-based detection of microbial diversity
A korarchaeal genome reveals insights into the evolution of the Archaea
Statistical analysis of feature-based molecular networking results from non-targeted metabolomics data
Terpene Synthases as Metabolic Gatekeepers in the Evolution of Plant Terpenoid Chemical Diversity