Insights into the action of phylogenetically diverse microbial expansins on the structure of cellulose microfibrils
Long-term excess nitrogen fertilizer increases sensitivity of soil microbial community to seasonal change revealed by ecological network and metagenome analyses
Metatranscriptomic reconstruction reveals RNA viruses with the potential to shape carbon cycling in soil
A Comparison of Microbial Genome Web Portals
DNA Sequence Analysis of an Inversion Hot Spot in Lobeliaceae Plastomes
CRISPR-resolved virus-host interactions in a municipal landfill include non-specific viruses, hyper-targeted viral populations, and interviral conflicts
The Integrated Microbial Genome Resource of Analysis
Microfluidic-based mini-metagenomics enables discovery of novel microbial lineages from complex environmental samples
Pathway-Centric Analysis of Microbial Metabolic Potential and Expression Along Nutrient and Energy Gradients in the Western Atlantic Ocean
Marine microbial community responses related to wetland carbon mobilization in the coastal zone
Multiple microbial guilds mediate soil methane cycling along a wetland salinity gradient
A microarray for assessing transcription from pelagic marine microbial taxa