Co‑cultivation of the anaerobic fungus Caecomyces churrovis with Methanobacterium bryantii enhances transcription of carbohydrate binding modules, dockerins, and pyruvate formate lyases on specific substrates
Phosphate Availability Modulates Root Exudate Composition and Rhizosphere Microbial Community in a Teosinte and a Modern Maize Cultivar
Giant virus diversity and host interactions through global metagenomics
Pathway-Centric Analysis of Microbial Metabolic Potential and Expression Along Nutrient and Energy Gradients in the Western Atlantic Ocean
High-resolution phylogenetic microbial community profiling
Position-Specific Metabolic Probing and Metagenomics of Microbial Communities Reveal Conserved Central Carbon Metabolic Network Activities at High Temperatures
Microbial species and intraspecies units exist and are maintained by ecological cohesiveness coupled to high homologous recombination
In vitro Characterization of Phenylacetate Decarboxylase, a Novel Enzyme Catalyzing Toluene Biosynthesis in an Anaerobic Microbial Community
Strategies for Enhancing the Effectiveness of Metagenomic-based Enzyme Discovery in Lignocellulolytic Microbial Communities
Large differences in potential denitrification and sediment microbial communities across the Laurentian great lakes
Microbial communities of the Laurentian Great Lakes reflect connectivity and local biogeochemistry
Multiple origins, one evolutionary trajectory: gradual evolution characterizes distinct lineages of allotetraploid Brachypodium.