Functional and genomic diversity of methylotrophic Rhodocyclaceae: description of Methyloversatilis discipulorum sp. nov.
Genomic Analysis of Organismal Complexity in the Multicellular Green Alga Volvox carteri
Expanding the genomic encyclopedia of Actinobacteria with 824 isolate reference genomes
Adaptations to marine versus terrestrial low temperature environments as revealed by comparative genomic analyses of the genus Psychrobacter
The first two chromosome‐scale genome assemblies of American hazelnut enable comparative genomic analysis of the genus Corylus
Genomic Encyclopedia of Bacteria and Archaea: Sequencing a Myriad of Type Strains
The Genomic Standards Consortium
Direct Comparisons of Illumina vs. Roche 454 Sequencing Technologies on the Same Microbial Community DNA Sample
Genomic composition and dynamics among Methanomicrobiales predict adaptation to contrasting environments
Foreword to the Special Issue on the Fifth Genomic Standards Consortium Workshop
Genomic characterization of three marine fungi, including Emericellopsis atlantica sp. nov. with signatures of a generalist lifestyle and marine biomass degradation
Comparative Genomic Analysis of the Class Epsilonproteobacteria and Proposed Reclassification to Epsilonbacteraeota (phyl. nov.)