A chromosome-based draft sequence of the hexaploid bread wheat (Triticum aestivum) genome
Genomics, Exometabolomics, and Metabolic Probing Reveal Conserved Proteolytic Metabolism of Thermoflexus hugenholtzii and Three Candidate Species From China and Japan
Genome Sequences of Two Carbapenemase-Resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae ST258 Isolates
Reclassification of a Polynucleobacter cosmopolitanus strain isolated from tropical Lake Victoria as Polynucleobacter victoriensis sp. nov.
Gradual polyploid genome evolution revealed by pan-genomic analysis of Brachypodium hybridum and its diploid progenitors
Genome-Scale Data Call for a Taxonomic Rearrangement of Geodermatophilaceae
Complete Genome Sequence of the Hyperthermophilic Sulfate-Reducing Bacterium Thermodesulfobacterium geofontis OPF15T
Polynucleobacter meluiroseus sp. nov., a bacterium isolated from a lake located in the mountains of the Mediterranean island of Corsica
A second special issue of Standards In Genomic Sciences from the Genomic Standards Consortium
Complete genome sequence of Vulcanisaeta distributa type strain (IC-017T)
Busting the Unbreakable Lignin
Examples: Successful LOIs & Submissions