Beyond linear sequence comparisons: the use of genome-level characters for phylogenetic reconstruction
Assemblathon 2: evaluating de novo methods of genome assembly in three vertebrate species
Hi-C metagenome sequencing reveals soil phage–host interactions
The genome of Laccaria bicolor provides insights into mycorrhizal symbiosis
The Complete Genome Sequence of Fibrobacter succinogenes S85 Reveals a Cellulolytic and Metabolic Specialist
The Spirodela polyrhiza genome reveals insights into its neotenous reduction fast growth and aquatic lifestyle
Genome sequence and emended description of Leisingera nanhaiensis strain DSM 24252T isolated from marine sediment
A Genome-Wide Scan for Evidence of Selection in a Maize Population Under Long-Term Artificial Selection for Ear Number
Genome sequence of the pink–pigmented marine bacterium Loktanella hongkongensis type strain (UST950701–009PT), a representative of the Roseobacter group
Diversity, evolution, and classification of virophages uncovered through global metagenomics
Plant-Microbial Interactions Group
The Megadata of Lake Mendota - Part 1: Many, Many Mers