Complete Genome Sequence of the Photosynthetic Purple Nonsulfur Bacterium Rhodobacter capsulatus SB 1003▿
mSphere of Influence: the View from the Microbiologists of the Future
Complete genome sequence of Hirschia baltica type strain (IFAM 1418T)
Development and Initial Characterization of a HAPPY Panel for Mapping the X. Tropicalis Genome
Geoarchaeota: a new candidate phylum in the Archaea from high-temperature acidic iron mats in Yellowstone National Park
Genome sequence of the exopolysaccharide-producing Salipiger mucosus type strain (DSM 16094T), a moderately halophilic member of the Roseobacter clade
Draft genome of Paraburkholderia caballeronis TNe-841T, a free-living, nitrogen-fixing, tomato plant-associated bacterium
Toward Understanding Phage:Host Interactions in the Rumen; Complete Genome Sequences of Lytic Phages Infecting Rumen Bacteria
Giant virus biology and diversity in the era of genome-resolved metagenomics
Complete genome sequence of Riemerella anatipestifer type strain (ATCC 11845T)
The amphioxus genome and the evolution of the chordate karyotype
Common Ancestry and Novel Genetic Traits of Francisella novicida-Like Isolates from North America and Australia as Revealed by Comparative Genomic Analyses