Genome sequencing and analysis of the biomass-degrading fungus Trichoderma reesei (syn. Hypocrea jecorina)
Comparative Genomics of the Pine Pathogens and Beetle Symbionts in the Genus Grosmannia
MeCorS: Metagenome-enabled error correction of single cell sequencing reads
Re-evaluating the Systematics of Dendrolycopodium Using Restriction-Site Associated DNA-Sequencing
Whole Genome Sequencing of Thermus oshimai JL-2 and Thermus thermophilus JL-18, Incomplete Denitrifiers from the United States Great Basin
The “Most Wanted” Taxa from the Human Microbiome for Whole Genome Sequencing
Mapping the Burkholderia cenocepacia niche response via high-throughput sequencing
Metagenome, metatranscriptome and single-cell sequencing reveal microbial response to Deepwater Horizon oil spill
Revealing the transcriptomic complexity of switchgrass by PacBio long-read sequencing
Hi-C metagenome sequencing reveals soil phage–host interactions
Genome sequencing provides insight into the reproductive biology, nutritional mode and ploidy of the fern pathogen Mixia osmundae
Nonhybrid, finished microbial genome assemblies from long-read SMRT sequencing data