An ectomycorrhizal fungus alters sensitivity to jasmonate, salicylate, gibberellin, and ethylene in host roots
Population genomics of a forest fungus reveals high gene flow and climate adaptation signatures
IMG/VR v.2.0: an integrated data management and analysis system for cultivated and environmental viral genomes
Salicylic acid activates poplar defense against the biotrophic rust fungus Melampsora larici‐populina via increased biosynthesis of catechin and proanthocyanidins
Self-Buffering system for Cost-Effective production of lactic acid from glucose and xylose using Acid-Tolerant Issatchenkia orientalis
Molecular characterization of L-413C, a P2-related plague diagnostic bacteriophage
Genome sequence of a white rot fungus Schizopora paradoxa KUC8140 for wood decay and mycoremediation
IMG/M: integrated genome and metagenome comparative data analysis system
Massive Changes in Genome Architecture Accompany the Transition to Self-Fertility in the Filamentous Fungus Neurospora tetrasperma
KARRIKIN INSENSITIVE2 regulates leaf development, root system architecture and arbuscular‐mycorrhizal symbiosis in Brachypodium distachyon
Molecular Dialogues between Early Divergent Fungi and Bacteria in an Antagonism versus a Mutualism
Soil metabolomics: Deciphering underground metabolic webs in terrestrial ecosystems