A Complex Confection Decoded: Sugarcane Reference Genome
Understanding Wildfire Recovery, Starting in Soil
Polar Phytoplankton Need Zinc to Cope with the Cold
Diversity, taxonomy, and evolution of archaeal viruses of the class Caudoviricetes
Phosphate transporters in marine phytoplankton and their viruses: cross‐domain commonalities in viral‐host gene exchanges
Narnaviruses: novel players in fungal–bacterial symbioses
BdCESA7, BdCESA8, and BdPMT Utility Promoter Constructs for Targeted Expression to Secondary Cell-Wall-Forming Cells of Grasses
Experimental Evolution of Extreme Resistance to Ionizing Radiation in Escherichia coli after 50 Cycles of Selection.
Restoration and Modification of Magnetosome Biosynthesis by Internal Gene Acquisition in a Magnetotactic Bacterium
Directed Evolution of Ionizing Radiation Resistance in Escherichia coli▿ †
Genetic Analysis of Physcomitrella patens Identifies ABSCISIC ACID NON-RESPONSIVE, a Regulator of ABA Responses Unique to Basal Land Plants and Required for Desiccation Tolerance
Extensive gene content variation in the Brachypodium distachyon pan-genome correlates with population structure